Sunday, November 30, 2008

More of my celebrity obsessions

I actually love the entries on the Lainey Lurv facebook account, in which the members recall meeting celebrities, and what they were like.

It's even more interesting in some ways than the straight gossip, because it's from the gut and real. I met Willie Nelson, who really is THAT nice. He kindly brought me in to play fiddle with his band, and he was generous with me and pushed me take the entire stage. Made him sing anyway! Haha! Best time of my life. I met Matt Damon, and although he's good and all, he WILL be unhappy when I am awarded the Nobel Prize for literature and he remembers turning me down for a role in my student-written play. And then I give the movie options to someone else. Dream on, you say! Ha!

I think it must be wicked hard to be a celebrity and to be under all these pressures. Just discussing Stevie Ray Vaughn the other day, how it's so easy to slip into addictions when you live in a fishbowl. Can't even IMAGINE Linsay Lohan/Miley Cyrus/Britney Spears/Jonas Bros. Good lord. To be young and wanted everywhere. Robert Pattinson, will he ever have a normal brain again? They say you can hear the thoughts of all the people across the world who are thinking of you. Yeesh. That must be a mess for Tara Reid and Misha Barton!

On a lighter note, I am absolutely OBSESSED with Hugh Laurie as House. I was nuts over Russell Brand until he made fun of the Jonas purity rings. Yikes. So now it's the Englishman with the perfect Yank accent, fake limp, and endless bile with a human heart underneath. I'm dying to know if he ends up with Cuddy soon! The kiss, the suspense is killing me! Aggggghhhh! They have a word for it behind the scenes, "URST," unresolved sexual tension. Used it throughout Friends' run. Keeps the show going, I guess. Maybe that's why Grey's Anatomy fell down dead? I don't care what the ratings say, how can their writers look at themselves in their mirrors every morning? Kill off the gorgeous gay character, make a domestic scene with Meredith, and have sex with ghosts? WT-?

On an even sillier note, I read a Twilight book to see what the fuss was about. Horrible writing, and the worst plot outlines I have ever seen. Sooooo formulaic, and designed exactly to fit into 4 ginormous novels. Ack! I blasted through all 4 of them in 2 months...I have to admit, I was infected with the vampire virus! I thought I could resist. I even read "Midnight Sun" online to see inside Edward's head, and sat there entranced for an entire afternoon. Stephenie Meyer! You have some evil talent there, lady! Yeesh. What's worse: I went to the stupid movie and really loved the whole thing. I got caught up like some teenybopper. I even investigated the requirements to become a Twilight Mom and I qualify with my middle age. What has my life come to, that I would get this obsessed over Young Adult fare? Good lord. I was even completely entranced and happy at the final book's ending in "Breaking Dawn." LOVE how things work out for Jacob, LOVED Bella's honeymoon, LOVED how noone vital died, LOVED how the battle worked out at the end. And I consider myself a serious author! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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