Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why Do I Like Twilight? Part 3 (movie)

The movie was shot in an unusually dark range of tones. Over saturated color, like the photos from the mid 90s. Overdone look, and we've been done with the goth thing since 1997. I know it's a teenage vampire movie, and there's little sunshine in Forks, but come on! Try to use some artistry in the cinematography, OK? Yuck. Like staring at a Joel Peter Witkin picture, or old Trent Reznor video. OVERDONE, people!

That said, I loved the stupid movie. I got caught up in the "romance" aspect again. Thank god for Kristen Stewart. She didn't say all the maudlin crap, which spared me from the worst dialogue. I was amazed at how fresh the plot felt. They tightened it up a bit, made some plot points different for the sake of tying all the strands together (which Meyer didn't really do, OK?), which made the movie flow better. I was also amazed at how I wanted to watch the love story unfold. I'd read the thing, so I knew what was going on in everyone's heads, so maybe Pattinson's constipated angry face didn't register as being stupid because I knew what was happening. I was like a little kid who can't read yet who is happy to go to a movie to see how Curious George plays out, something like that. Like I was just happy to see the thing brought to life.

I loved the scenes where Edward ran/flew with Bella on his back, and where he repelled the van. The audience gasped along with me. I laughed a LOT at some of the dialogue. Couldn't help it. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Would I naturally pick Pattinson as a romantic partner? Definitely not. He's not my type. But I can see why the 16 year olds are into him. I get it. Because he's not my type, though, the kiss didn't do so much for me. But please, not Jeffrey Dean Morgan as a ghost! God, I hate Grey's Anatomy SO MUCH now.

OK, enough of this! On to other things.

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