Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why I'm Obsessed, Part 2

What BIs am I obsessing over now? I love the blog community. The BIs are all getting answered over time. And Lainey keeps dropping hints. So I am content for the moment, or I just forgot.

I like the BIs because you get to see the real person behind that US/Star/In Touch lie. I am grateful for this. Plus it gives me something to do besides obsessing about my problems. Plus, I think observing how others succeed or fail based on their merits, and what they are, is an innately prehistoric feminine skill. You don't want to get banished like Tara Reid or Luke Wilson, so please show up for work sober and try to have some respect for yourself and not sleep with anything that walks. Hilton, anyone? It's good advice, really. The breathless way this crazy culture praises fame and material success makes everyone crazy for fame. You have to be really super careful. So it's good to see how those people eventually fall on their rears, and keep yourself humble.

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